My top 6 COVID-19 protocols for officials.

  1. Wear your masks from the time you walk into and out of the arena.  Highly recommended and encouraged to wear masks while officiating.  

2. Social distance, 6 feet apart, in the hallways, locker rooms and on the court.

3. Do not ride together

4.Try to order meals for pick-up. Under no circumstances should you go out with your crew to a restaurant or bar.

5. On the court you MUST mask when conferencing, addressing a player, coach, personnel at the table, game management, media or partners

6. Remind coaches they MUST be properly masked at all times

kevin sparrock

Kevin Sparrock is the artist and creator of Fouls and Violations, Life of a Referee Uncovered. He is a Brooklyn, New York native who has worked as a Graphic Designer and Illustrator for 30 years. He has officiated basketball for over 22 years. He has worked at the High School level, College Division 1 Men’s, College Division 1 Women’s, the NBA Developmental League, and the Woman’s National Basketball Association (WNBA). In 2008, he combined the blessings of two careers and created the first webcomic that chronicles the life of a sports official. Everything in the strip has happened or will happen in the future. Welcome to the referee life. Safe Traveling

Seatbelt....I mean COVID Mask safety.


Proper use of a mask.