Mask muffle

If you started officiating during this COVID year you will come to realize the importance of communication. Supervisors are now strongly recommending that officials wear a mask at all times. This means during live play as you run up and down the court. With a mask on communication with your partners is even more important. You have to adopt an intentional way of communicating. This might mean being slower with your mechanics your signals and your pronunciation. I found myself taking pauses to communicate with my partners. I know people with hearing disabilities are looking at the world saying, “Now you know how I feel”. New beginnings. Be safe, adapt and wear a mask.

kevin sparrock

Kevin Sparrock is the artist and creator of Fouls and Violations, Life of a Referee Uncovered. He is a Brooklyn, New York native who has worked as a Graphic Designer and Illustrator for 30 years. He has officiated basketball for over 22 years. He has worked at the High School level, College Division 1 Men’s, College Division 1 Women’s, the NBA Developmental League, and the Woman’s National Basketball Association (WNBA). In 2008, he combined the blessings of two careers and created the first webcomic that chronicles the life of a sports official. Everything in the strip has happened or will happen in the future. Welcome to the referee life. Safe Traveling

Happy New Year?


Turn the wheel, turn the wheel, turn the wheel.